About Dr. Michela

As the founder of PregnancyWise.ca, Michela is dedicated to the wellness and empowerment of each and every individual that she encounters. Michela had the idea of creating PregnancyWise.ca during her pregnancies as a one-stop shop for the latest evidence-based information regarding all things pregnancy (sans the confusion). When Michela isn't in the office or hanging out with her family, she's more-often-than-not attending online continuing education courses, weekend intensives, and doing work within her Perinatal Fellowship to implement the best practices and strategies to address her patients' needs.  

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Work with Dr. Michela

A Message from Dr. Michela:

I remember how worried I was when it came to what I ate, drank and took as supplements while pregnant. How could I keep it all straight? What was the best resource to look at? Was there any actual evidence behind this?

Unfortunately, they didn't teach me this in naturopathic medical school.

My mission was to create a resource that pregnant women could come to at any time of the day (or night) and feel confident about their daily decision-making when it came to their pregnancy. Thus pregnancywise.ca was born! Evidenced-based, easy-to-follow tips, checklists, resources all in one place.

My hope is that you find great value from this resource and feel confident during your pregnancy.

The greatest compliment we could receive is if you tell others about us.

Best of luck,
Dr. Michela
Founder of PregnancyWise.ca