We educate women on how to have a healthy & empowered pregnancy

Online classes to help calm those new mama nerves from pre-conception to birth

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Meet Dr. Michela.

Our founder is a naturopathic doctor who focuses on all things pregnancy. She is also a mom to two kids whom she carried herself, so she knows first-hand how scary it can be to be pregnant thinking anything you do may harm your baby.

Dr. Michela & her team created to help pregnant mamas-to-be become empowered with the knowledge of how to have a healthy pregnancy, so that they can have peace of mind knowing they are doing all the right things. They give you the most current and evidenced-based information and show you how you can advocate for yourself to implement it.



Everything you need to know being pregnant for the first time

Congratulations! You've just peed on a stick and it told you that you are pregnant! This is an incredibly exciting time for you. Be sure to bask in the glow of all of the beautiful possibilities this brings to your family.

We recognize that you have a lot of questions. Like what supplement should I be taking? Or how do I get over feeling so nauseous? To when should I see my doctor? Our courses will teach you everything you need to know to confidently have a healthy pregnancy.

Select the stage of pregnancy you are at to get started:

Thinking of or trying to become pregnant

Just became pregnant - 19 weeks pregnant

20 weeks pregnant - birth


Free Pregnancy Tips

Have pregnancy questions? Try our searchable blog. Here you'll find checklists, fave products, and so much more!

Are hemorrhoids during pregnancy preventable?

By Michela S. Nelson, ND

It is pretty common to have hemorrhoids in pregnancy. It is estimated that up to 10-40% of women may experience them during pregnancy. Let's talk about how we can prevent hemorrhoids before they even start.

Read about hemorrhoid prevention

Flying while pregnant: what things are important to know?

By Michela S. Nelson, ND

Let's explore the details about air travel during pregnancy, including risks, precautions, and steps to enhance your travel experience.

When should I start taking vitamin D?

By Michela S. Nelson, ND

Recent research has been shedding light on the significance of Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy, underlining its potential impact on various aspects of maternal and infant health.

Are there foods should I avoid during pregnancy?

By Michela S. Nelson, ND

Certain foods can pose potential risks due to bacterial contamination, and understanding how to enjoy them safely is essential. Let's delve into the details and explore ways to navigate pregnancy nutrition responsibly.

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